Splits of life and touches of truth (Viaticum, Books III and IV)

By these pages, we are transported to Pisa (1922-1923) where the author’s thinking is structuring and clarifying. They recount the time of great discoveries: reading of Bergson, Hegel, Freud and many others; synthesis research between Quantity and Quality; variations on the concept of Relation, which is at the center of the system. But lifeblood blends with this search of truth and Lanza remains above all a poet; to say the least, he is not attracted to religion. Texts alternate between play of concepts and those of love…
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Splits of life and touches of truth (Viaticum, Books III and IV). Paris : Denoël, 1973. 115 pages
Par Lanza del Vasto.
Type d'ouvrage : Monograph.
Réédition(s) :Rééd. dans Le Viatique I, 1991, p. 91-161.