• Viaticum I: From At the beginning of a thought to Nothing that would not be all (Books I to IX)

    1991 - Lanza del Vasto

    Ten years after the author died, Arnaud de Mareuil, Arche’s companion and Lanza’s close friend, gathered and completed the already published Viaticums. This first volume gathers books I to IX together, which had been published in four booklets by Lanza (Enfances d’une pensée, Éclats de vie et pointes de vérité, La conversion par contrainte logique,…

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  • Viaticum II: Intelligence friendship and heartaches (Books X to XXI)

    1991 - Lanza del Vasto

    Anthology of unpublished Viaticums, such as Lanza left them behind him. The publisher did not want the second volume to exceed the first one: therefore, Arnaud de Mareuil had to choose only a few thousand texts among the very many pages of the author’s notebooks. As a poet, he had his heart set on publishing…

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  • Nothing that would not be all (Viaticum, Books VIII and IX)

    1975 - Lanza del Vasto

    Having reached heights in the previous book, this one reveals a kind of slowing. Book VIII is short, dispersed and less convincing. Book IX, which deals entirely with the question of laugh, is a little bit cynical. More than a feature of the reporting period of 1926, we rather see an age effect on an…

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  • Conversion by logical constraint (Viaticum, Books V to VIII)

    1974 - Lanza del Vasto

    Lanza pursued his studies in philosophy in Pisa (1922-1923). Reflection on death and interest in mystics come up in books V to VII. He reads Descartes and Kant as well as Ruysbroeck and Dante. Catholicism annoys him but Marxism does not tempt him. Thanks to the Decades of Pompigny, he met great authors of that…

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  • Splits of life and touches of truth (Viaticum, Books III and IV)

    1973 - Lanza del Vasto

    By these pages, we are transported to Pisa (1922-1923) where the author’s thinking is structuring and clarifying. They recount the time of great discoveries: reading of Bergson, Hegel, Freud and many others; synthesis research between Quantity and Quality; variations on the concept of Relation, which is at the center of the system. But lifeblood blends…

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  • At the beginning of a though (Viaticum: Books I and II)

    1970 - Lanza del Vasto

    This little book, with a significant title, includes the Books I and II of the Viaticum. It has been entirely rewritten by the author, given that the oldest notebooks had been destroyed a long time ago. It is the first one in a collection of opuscules in which Lanza did not intend to tell his…

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