Viaticum I: From At the beginning of a thought to Nothing that would not be all (Books I to IX)

Ten years after the author died, Arnaud de Mareuil, Arche’s companion and Lanza’s close friend, gathered and completed the already published Viaticums. This first volume gathers books I to IX together, which had been published in four booklets by Lanza (Enfances d’une pensée, Éclats de vie et pointes de vérité, La conversion par contrainte logique, Rien qui ne soit tout) and which cannot be found today.
Viaticum I: From At the beginning of a thought to Nothing that would not be all (Books I to IX). Monaco : Le Rocher, 1991. 352 pages
Par Lanza del Vasto.
Préface : Arnaud de Mareuil.
Arnaud de Mareuil.
Type d'ouvrage : Monograph.