Nothing that would not be all (Viaticum, Books VIII and IX)

Having reached heights in the previous book, this one reveals a kind of slowing. Book VIII is short, dispersed and less convincing. Book IX, which deals entirely with the question of laugh, is a little bit cynical. More than a feature of the reporting period of 1926, we rather see an age effect on an author who, from that time on, experiences difficulties in writing. His widowhood makes them worse: Lanza cannot manage to publish his Viaticums. At most, he prepares in part the Viaticum X edition. From that time on, he does not work anymore from memory but on texts he had retained and seems to think other people would complete the task.
Nothing that would not be all (Viaticum, Books VIII and IX). Paris : Denoël, 1975. 120 pages
Par Lanza del Vasto.
Type d'ouvrage : Monograph.
Réédition(s) :Republication in Viaticum I, 1991, p. 272-352.